Aphantasia is the inability to visualize images in your mind, which can make reading for pleasure difficult. As someone with partial aphantasia myself, I thought I'd give some advice on how you can still enjoy reading with this kind of mind.
Discussion of my top ten favorite movies from my childhood. Most of them are from the 80's, but a few are from the 90's and 70's. None of them are animated.
The planned Friday the 13th prequel show, Crystal Lake, has been frequently derided by the series' fans for being too different or fancy of an idea to work for the series. I explain why they're wrong and that Friday the 13th would greatly benefit from more backstory for its titular character(s).
A discussion of my top five time travel movies, with overviews and a plot synopsis, in addition to a briefer discussion of my honorable mentions.
I conduct a thorough overview of 4 horror sequels that aren't as bad as many horror and non-horror fans make them out to be. If you've watched a lot of horror, particularly slasher horror, you'll probably enjoy my exploration here even if you don't agree.
Currently, nonverbal learning disability is not in the DSM-5, but I believe it should be added. I also share my own personal experience with some of the symptoms of the disability.
Many thrash metal bands from the 80's experimented with their sound in the 90's in order to stay relevant in the changing musical climate. This is my top ten list of albums of that time period where the sound change was quite successful.
Detailed answers to four important questions about Nonverbal Learning Disability.
I do a run-down of the symptoms of nonverbal learning disorder, utilizing my personal experience as someone who has many of the symptoms, to help people get a better idea if they may have it and to hopefully allow people to relate to my experiences with it as well.
I explain why people are wrong when they say that there's "no such thing" as an independent voter by making several points, the most important of which are related to America's limited party system and also offering a more accurate model for looking at the political spectrum.
I analyze the views of Lincoln Chafee, the libertarian party's first big-name presidential candidate in 2020, discuss whether I think libertarians should vote for him, and make a point about the flaws of our two-party system related to Chafee's attempt at the nomination.